I’m Jaime Herrera, a Chilean illustrator based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

My work is a reflection of my experiences living half of my life in Chile, South America and the other half of my life in Europe, in the Spanish island of Mallorca. It’s also influenced by my interest in things like plastic arts, videogames and pop culture in general.

During my career I’ve worked as an illustrator, graphic designer and art director for different companies in the comics, advertising and videogame industry.

I love cats, I have two! I collect old videogames (NES, SNES and GB mainly) and I play JRPGs in my free time. I also like stationery and I like collecting stickers, pens and pencils.



02/09 Giant Robot Gallery: Neko Show. Los Angeles, CA. USA.


11/02 CAFAxNeal Exhibit. Beijing. China.


09/04 - 09/13 ALIEN CITIZEN Solo Pop-Up Show. SoWa Boston. Boston MA. USA.

09/04 - 09/27 ROX/SE Piano Craft Gallery Group Exhibition. Boston, MA. USA.


450 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118
Studio #300C
Open every First Friday, every Sunday and by appointment.

SoWa Artists Guild profile.
